BoD Meeting

Date: 06/12/2007

Time: 7:06 PM – 9:44 PM

Place: Lindsey Sturkie Residence

Meeting called by: BoD Type of meeting: Normal Scheduled Meeting
Facilitator: Lindsey Sturkie Note taker: Patrick Hedgepath
Timekeeper: Patrick Hedgepath Attendees: Patrick Hedgepath, Chad Keller, Lindsey Sturkie, Jane Sufka, Randall Mungo


Agenda item: Meeting called to order
Presenter: Lindsey Sturkie
Motion made by:  
Motion second by:  
Action items:
  • The meeting was called to order.
  • Person responsible: Lindsey Sturkie
    Agenda item: Debbie Kessel - Welcoming Committee
    Presenter: Lindsey Sturkie
    Discussion: Debbie Kessel and Cheryl Wood presented their information they have gathered for giving out to new residents in the neighborhood. Cheryl presented a basket of information from local businesses. Some had coupons to offer. Some baked goods will be provided. Debbie presented a folder that contains information obtained from the Lexington chamber of commerce. It contains maps and information on utilities and schools. Also contains information on how to contact the board of directors. Lindsey presented a list of the 4 newest residents to Longs Pond so the welcoming committee could present them with this information. Also another Gwendalyn is one of the new residents that also wanted to volunteer for the welcoming committee. Lindsey asked about the cost of the baskets. Cheryl reviewed the pricing of the contents of the basket. Debbie mentioned also giving a small basket out for newborn children in the neighborhood. A cap of $20 was discussed per each basket.
    Motion made by: Randall Mungo - $20 cap per basket - Patrick Hedgepath - to accept the pamphlet that was presented
    Motion second by: Lindsey Sturkie - Chad Keller
    Conclusions: 5 yes 0 no - 5 yes 0 no
    Action items:
  • $20 cap put in place
  • Person responsible: Welcoming committee
    Deadline: N/A
    Agenda item: Insurance Issue
    Presenter: Lindsey Sturkie
    Discussion: Jane presented the fact that we were paying the insurance company for a building. Jane questioned did we have a structure or what was considered a structure in our policy. Lindsey mentioned what he asked the insurance agent last time he spoke with him. The HoA is covered for liability suits and retention ponds. $350 increase in the premium for liability would be incurred if a playground was added.
    Motion made by:  
    Motion second by:  
    Conclusions: Insurance agent needs to be contacted about the insurance policy for additional questions.
    Action items:
  • Randall will ask the agent what is the structure we are covered for and what is the actual coverage amount per board member.
  • Person responsible: Randall Mungo
    Agenda item: Property Taxes
    Presenter: Jane Sufka
    Discussion: Jane mentioned we only own one of the retention ponds; the one near the entrance; we own 4 pieces of property. Jane mentioned she had records from 2005 where we paid taxes. Jane sees where checks have been written for the taxes for 2006.
    Motion made by:  
    Motion second by:  
    Action items:
  • Jane will look for the paid tax information on the Lexington County web site
  • Person responsible: Jane Sufka
    Deadline: Next meeting
    Agenda item: leaflet
    Presenter: Lindsey Sturkie
    Discussion: A leaflet was received by Lindsey for a turnkey web site solution.
    Motion made by:  
    Motion second by:  
    Conclusions: Patrick will look over the leaflet for suggestions to use on our own site.
    Action items:
  • Person responsible: Patrick Hedgepath
    Agenda item: Money vs Quick Books
    Presenter: Jane Sufka
    Discussion: Jane mentioned Money was not the best program to do the accounting for the HoA. She recommends we move the accounting files to Quick Books.
    Motion made by: Chad Keller - move to Quick Books and purchase it when the next Treasurer takes office
    Motion second by: Patrick Hedgepath
    Conclusions: 5 yes 0 no
    Action items:
  • Jane will update Money to Quick Books
  • Person responsible: Jane Sufka
    Deadline: July 1
    Agenda item: Third person eligible for signing checks.
    Presenter: Chad Keller
    Discussion: Chad mentioned adding a 3rd person to the authorized signature for checks in case one of the other two could not sign checks. Randall mentioned adding the newest elected person as a 3rd when that person is elected.
    Motion made by: Chad Keller - to add Patrick Hedgepath to the authorized signatures list
    Motion second by: Randall Mungo
    Conclusions: 5 yes 0 no
    Action items:
  • Patrick will be added
  • Person responsible: Lindsey Sturkie and Patrick Hedgepath
    Agenda item: Landscape Lighting
    Presenter: Lindsey Sturkie
    Discussion: Is the Board happy with the current lighting that was installed. The Board discussed bringing up the topic in the next open HoA. Getting locks for the boxes was discussed.
    Motion made by: Randall Mungo - Purchase locks for the lighting boxes
    Motion second by: Patrick Hedgepath
    Conclusions: Locks will need to be purchased for the two boxes
    Action items:
  • 5 yes 0 no
  • Person responsible: Chad Keller
    Deadline: 2 weeks
    Agenda item: Vacant lot
    Presenter: Lindsey Sturkie
    Discussion: The Board discussed when we should try to have the quorum vote for the vacant lot choices. It was suggested we try to have the first vote for the vacant lot at the next open meeting. The vacant lot committee should meet and work on an official presentation.
    Motion made by: Lindsey Sturkie - send notification of the open meeting and have Tina and the VLC work on a presentation.
    Motion second by: Patrick Hedgepath
    Conclusions: 5 yes 0 no
    Action items:
  • Letter will be sent and the vacant lot committee will work on the presentation
  • Person responsible: Chad will send the letter - VLC will work on presentation
    Deadline: before the open meeting on June 25
    Agenda item: Bylaw and Covenants Documents
    Presenter: Jane Sufka
    Discussion: Jane and Patrick mentioned we do not have text copies of the Covenants and By-Laws/Regulations and it would be nice to have typed copies. Chad mentioned we make sure we get the copy from the court house so if we get them typed they would be the correct ones. Jane found a stenographer to type the pages at $2 per page.
    Motion made by: Lindsey Sturkie - pay the stenographer $2 per page to type the documents
    Motion second by: Patrick Hedgepath
    Conclusions: 5 yes 0 no
    Action items:
  • Lindsey will get the court documents and Jane will give them to Selena to type up.
  • Person responsible: Lindsey and Jane
    Deadline: 2 weeks
    Agenda item: HOA taxes
    Presenter: Jane Sufka
    Discussion: Jane asked if she could bring Lindsey a power of attorney document to sign so our accountant can call the IRS to get any questions answered pertaining to previous years tax filings.
    Motion made by:  
    Motion second by:  
    Conclusions: Jane will get the document for Lindsey to sign
    Action items:
  • Person responsible: Jane Sufka
    Agenda item: Sign for the entrance
    Presenter: Jane Sufka
    Discussion: Jane mentioned she obtained some information for another possible sign for the entrance to the neighborhood. The Board reviewed the information she had. Jane mentioned she was still getting more information from them and could present that at the next meeting.
    Motion made by:  
    Motion second by:  
    Action items:
  • Person responsible:  
    Agenda item: Board went into executive session
    Motion made by:  
    Motion second by:  
    Action items:
  • Person responsible:  
    Agenda item: Storage box
    Presenter: Chad Keller
    Discussion: Chad mentioned he had more paperwork on violations and board issues than he had room for so needed some sort of storage for them.
    Motion made by: Lindsey Sturkie - purchase a small file cabinet/accessories to store the copies of the violations notices and other paperwork so there is a hard copy
    Motion second by: Patrick Hedgepath
    Conclusions: 5 yes 0 no
    Action items:
  • storage will be purchased
  • Person responsible: Chad Keller
    Deadline: N/A
    Agenda item: Adjourn meeting
    Motion made by: Patrick Hedgepath
    Motion second by: Randall Mungo
    Conclusions: 5 yes 0 no
    Action items:
  • Person responsible:  